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Courses Related in Content

Active participatory courses not approved as repeatable, that share a similar primary educational objective in physical education, visual arts, and performing arts are grouped together. Students are allowed four enrollments within each group of courses related in content (CRC), but each course in the group may be taken only once. This limitation applies even if a student receives a substandard grade or is approved to repeat a course due to extenuating circumstances.

In addition, all evaluative and non-evaluative grades count toward the four enrollment limitation and all grades and credits received count in computing the students GPA. The one and only exception is when a course is repeated pursuant to a significant lapse of time, the District may allow the previous grade and credit to be disregarded in computing the student’s GPA.

Art Families of Courses

Design Family (6 Units)
ART 006Color and Design3
ART 032Beginning 3-D Design3
Drawing Family (9 Units)
ART 008Drawing Fundamentals3
ART 009Drawing Composition3
ART 049Beginning Figure Drawing3
Painting Family (6 Units)
ART 043Beginning Studio Painting3
ART 044Intermediate Studio Painting3
Digital Family (9 Units)
ART 023Introduction to Digital Art3
ART 025Digital Painting and Imaging3
ART 130Digital Printmaking3
Planographic/Offset Processes Family (12 Units)
ART 176Beginning Stone Lithography3
ART 177Intermediate Stone Lithography3
ART 178Beginning Plate Lithography3
ART 179Intermediate Plate Lithography3
Printmaking Family (12 Units)
ART 015Beginning Printmaking3
ART 016Intermediate Printmaking3
ART 121Beginning Screen Printing3
ART 122Intermediate Screen Printing3
Museum/Gallery Studies Family (6 Units)
ART 111Beginning Gallery Exhibition3
ART 112Intermediate Gallery Exhibition3
Research Family (1-4 Units)
ART 151Independent Study for Art1-4
Sculpture Family (9 Units)
ART 066Beginning Sculpture3
ART 067Intermediate Sculpture3
ART 141Beginning Studio Arts3
Ceramics Family (12 Units)
ART 061Beginning Handbuilding Ceramics3
ART 062Intermediate Handbuilding Ceramics3
ART 063Beginning Wheel Thrown Ceramics3
ART 064Intermediate Wheel-Thrown Ceramics3

Dance Families of Courses

Ballet Family (2 Units)
DANC 050Ballet 11
DANC 051Ballet 21
Modern Family (3 Units)
DANC 054Modern Dance 11
DANC 055Modern Dance 21
DANC 056Contemporary Dance1
Jazz Family (3 Units)
DANC 058Jazz Dance 11
DANC 059Jazz Dance 21
DANC 160Jazz Dance Styles1
Tap Family (2 Units)
DANC 062Tap Dancing 11
DANC 063Tap Dancing 21
Current Trends Family (2 Units)
DANC 070Hip Hop1
DANC 071Dance Crew1
Choreography Family (4 Units)
DANC 080Choreography1
DANC 081Studies in Choreography1
DANC 082Contemporary Dance 21
DANC 085Dance Production 11
Musical Family (2 Units)
DANC 041Musical Theatre Performance - Dance2

Music Families of Courses

Music Theatre (4 Units)
MUS 091Music Theatre Orchestra2
MUS 097Music Theatre Voice2
Classroom Voice Family (4 Units)
MUS 030Beginning Voice2
MUS 031Intermediate Voice2
Chamber Ensemble Family (8 Units)
MUS 036Chamber Singers Renaissance2
MUS 037Chamber Singers Classical2
MUS 038Chamber Singers Romantic2
MUS 039Chamber Singers 20th Century2
Commercial Music Family (4 Units)
MUS 226Computerized Audio 1: Pro Tools2
MUS 227Computerized Audio Production 22
Jazz Orchestra (2 Units)
MUS 072ADJazz Orchestra2
Recording Arts Family (5 Units)
MUS 281Recording Arts 12
MUS 282Recording Arts 23

Physical Education Families of Courses

Aerobics Family (4 Units)
PEAC 001Aerobic Conditioning1
PEAC 002Non-Impact Aerobics1
PEAC 003Step Aerobics1
PEAC 004Circuit Training1
Aquatics Family (4 Units)
PEAC 008Beginning Swimming1
PEAC 009Intermediate Swimming1
PEAC 010Advanced Swimming1
PEAC 011Swimming for Fitness1
Baseball Family (3 Units)
PEAC 015Fundamentals of Baseball1
PEAC 016Conditioning for Baseball1
PEAC 017Techniques of Baseball1
Basketball Family (2 Units)
PEAC 021Beginning Basketball1
PEAC 022Intermediate Basketball1
Football Family (1 Unit)
PEAC 025Fundamentals of Football1
Mind/Body Wellness Family (4 Units)
PEAC 036Stretch and Tone1
PEAC 037Pilates Mat Class1
PEAC 038Introduction to Yoga1
PEAC 039Hatha Yoga Fundamentals1
Soccer Family (1 Unit)
PEAC 042Soccer1
Softball Family (2 Units)
PEAC 046Women's Softball-Beginning1
PEAC 048Women's Softball - Advanced1
Tennis Family (2 Units)
PEAC 052Beginning Tennis1
PEAC 053Intermediate Tennis1
Track and Field Family (1 Unit)
PEAC 056Beginning Track and Field1
Volleyball Family (2 Units)
PEAC 064Beginning Volleyball1
PEAC 065Intermediate Volleyball1
Walk/Jog Fitness Family (4 Units)
PEAC 068Beginning Fitness Walking1
PEAC 069Intermediate Fitness Walking1
PEAC 070Walk/Jog for Aerobic Fitness1
PEAC 071Cross Interval Training1
Weight Training Family (4 Units)
PEAC 074Beginning Weight Training1
PEAC 075Intermediate Weight Training1
PEAC 076Advanced Strength and Body Building Principles2
Cheer Family (6 Units)
PEAC 060Varsity Performance 12
PEAC 061Varsity Performance 22
PEAC 262Cheer Fitness 11
PEAC 263Cheer Fitness 21

Theatre Families of Courses

Acting Family (13 Units)
DRAM 002Fundamentals of Acting 14
DRAM 003Fundamentals of Acting 23
DRAM 004Intermediate Acting - Classical3
DRAM 005Intermediate Acting 2: Styles3
Stagecraft Family (6 Units)
DRAM 013Beginning Stagecraft3
DRAM 014Intermediate Stagecraft3
Stage Lighting Family (6 Units)
DRAM 015Beginning Stage Lighting3
DRAM 016Intermediate Stage Lighting3
Makeup/Costuming Family (6 Units)
DRAM 012Costuming3
DRAM 017Makeup3
Rehearsal and Performance Family (4 Units)
DRAM 019Rehearsal and Performance - Classical2
DRAM 021Rehearsal and Performance - Contemporary2
Musical Theatre Family (2 Units)
DRAM 020Music Theatre Rehearsal and Performance - Classical2
Student Production Family (2 Units)
DRAM 022One Act Play Production2
Stage Movement Family (2 Units)
DRAM 030Stage Movement/Stage Combat2

Course Numbering System at College of the Sequoias

The Course Number System provided below is to help students easily identify those courses needed as they plan their studies at College of the Sequoias.

All courses numbered 299 or lower are associate degree credit courses. They can be applied toward the 60-unit AA/AS graduation requirement and for vocational certificates.

Course Numbers Explanation

Course Numbers Explanation
001-099 Courses accepted by the University of California System (See UC Transfer Course List for unit limitations). For specific course articulation (equivalency), consult, the Counseling Office or the Transfer Center.
001-199 Courses accepted by the California State University system and most other four-year colleges and universities. For specific course-to-course articulation (equivalency), consult, the Counseling Office or the Transfer Center.
200-299 Associate degree applicable. Although not intended for university transfer, these courses may be accepted by some colleges in certain majors, especially if provided for in an articulation agreement.
300-399 College credit, non-degree applicable and basic skill courses. Effective Summer Semester, 2008, students enrolled in the 300 series (course number) of classes will be graded on an “A,” “B,” “C,” and “Pass/No Pass” basis.
400 Non-credit, general courses

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

The California Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide numbering system independent from the course numbers assigned by individual California Community Colleges. Courses approved for the C-ID program are given a C-ID designation. College of the Sequoias courses with a C-ID designation will articulate with any other California Community College with the same C-ID designation. For example, ECON 040 has been approved for C-ID ECON 202 so ECON 040 is indirectly articulated with all other California Community College courses approved for C-ID ECON 202. In addition to the community college to community college articulation, a course with a C-ID course designation will articulate with California State Universities that have approved articulation with that C-ID designation. To access the CSU courses that have been identified by CSU campuses as comparable to C-ID descriptors visit the C-ID Web Site at You can search for courses by discipline or CSU campus.

Course requirements vary between colleges and universities and students are encouraged to consult the ASSIST database at and a COS counselor for program planning and course selection. Students may also consult the ASSIST database for specific information on C-ID course designations for all California Community Colleges. College of the Sequoias lists all C-ID course designations parenthetically after each course description in this catalog.