Health Sciences


The curriculum in the Health Sciences pathway includes studies in health, fitness, wellness, and disease prevention. Programs emphasize topics and skills in health care, healthy living, work in medical settings, critical thinking, and patient care.

Most careers in this pathway can be entered on program completion, though some require advanced credentials and are designed for students intending to transfer.

  • Program Award definitions can be found on the Types of Degrees and Certificates webpage. 
  • To sort/filter the table below, click the funnel icon under the column header. 

Degree and Certificates

Program TitleProgram AwardDivisionFinancial Aid Eligible
Certified Nurse AssistantSkill CertificateNursing & Allied HealthNo
Emergency Medical Technician BSkill CertificateNursing & Allied HealthNo
KinesiologyA.A.-T DegreePhysical EducationYes
Liberal Arts - Health & Physical EducationA.A. DegreeStudent ServicesYes
Liberal Arts - Health ScienceA.S. DegreeStudent ServicesYes
Nutrition & DieteticsA.S.-T DegreeConsumer & Family StudiesYes
ParamedicineA.S. DegreeNursing & Allied HealthYes
ParamedicineCertificate of AchievementNursing & Allied HealthYes
Pharmacy TechnicianCertificate of AchievementNursing & Allied HealthYes
Physical Therapist AssistantA.S. DegreeNursing & Allied HealthYes
Public HealthAssociate of SciencePhysical EducationYes
Registered NursingA.S. DegreeNursing & Allied HealthYes
Rehabilitation AideCertificate of CompletionNursing & Allied HealthNo
Sports Medicine/Athletic TrainerA.S. DegreePhysical EducationYes
University Studies - Math & ScienceA.A. DegreeStudent ServicesYes