Spring 2025 Addendum
New Courses
AGTC 123 Power Equipment Electronics and Electrical Systems
AGTC 124 Power Equipment Air Conditioning and Heating
AGTC 125 Power Transmission Systems
AGTC 126 Diesel Engine Emission Systems
AGTC 127 Equipment Diagnostics, Testing and Failure Analysis
FASH 163 Draping and Flat Pattern Design
NURS 121A Fundamentals for Nursing - Apprenticeship
NURS 124A Concepts of Adult Health Nursing 1 - Apprenticeship
NURS 135A Concepts of Nursing Care of the Pregnant Family and the Neonate - Apprenticeship
NURS 143A Concepts of Pediatric Nursing - Apprenticeship
NURS 220A Perioperative Nursing (Apprenticeship)
Course Modifications
- AGTC 120 - Course number, title, units, description, and course content changes
- ASCI 141 - Materials fee added
- COMM 004 - Removed from CSU GE Area D
- DANC 020 - Course number change
- PHSC 001 - Course number change
- PHSC 002 - Course number change
- POLS 013 - Course number change
- PS 310 - Materials fee change
- SOC 015 - Course number change
Program Modifications
Certificate of Achievement in Equipment Technician Level 2 - Title, description, and program requirements changes
Formerly: Certificate of Achievement in Agriculture Technology
Certificate of Achievement in Paramedicine - New program
Skill Certificate in Automotive Electrical Technology - Program requirements changes
Skill Certificate in Equipment Technician Level 1 - Title, description, and program requirements changes
Formerly: Skill Certificate in Agriculture Power Equipment Technician
General Information
- Advanced Placement Exam (AP) Precalculus - Update to COS course credit
- Nonresident Tuition Fees - Nonresident tuition fee is $319 per semester unit