Certificate of Achievement in Agriculture Technology

Division: Agriculture

This certificate prepares students for entry-level employment in the field of Agriculture Technology or Agriculture Irrigation. Students completing this certificate will have a foundation in basic technician skills that can be applied in many areas of agriculture. The student can choose to focus their training in Agriculture Power Equipment or Agriculture Irrigation.

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate safe work habits.
  • Demonstrate and list basic engine operations, both for small and large agriculture equipment.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge of irrigation system operation and maintenance.

Career Opportunities

Upon successful completion of this certificate, students will be prepared for employment in the following fields: general agriculture, sales and service of agriculture equipment, equipment manufacturing, irrigation technician, agriculture mechanics and irrigation 

 Program Requirements

AGTC 106Agriculture Welding3
PLSI 108Ag Water Management3
WEXP 193FAgriculture Work Experience – First Semester3
Select 12 units from the following courses:
AG 110Ag Leadership3
AGMT 108Ag Business Computer Applications3
AGTC 103Farm Power3
AGTC 201Small Engines3
AGTC 202Farm Equipment Construction3
AGTC 210Agriculture Project Construction3
AGTC 219Irrigation System Design3
AGTC 220Irrigation Wells and Pumps3
AGTC 222Ag Irrigation Systems3
AGTC 225Compact Diesel Engines3
PLSI 118Advanced Irrigation3

The Certificate of Achievement requirements include completion of the certificate courses with a “C” or better grade in each course. Required and support courses may be substituted with the approval of the Agriculture Division Chair.

NOTE: AGTC 225 is a 3 unit course starting Fall 2019.