About College of the Sequoias


President's Message

Welcome to the College of the Sequoias, an institution that has been helping students achieve their educational and career goals since 1926. In fact, almost 40 years ago, I enrolled at the College of the Sequoias as an 18-year-old freshman without a clear idea as to which career path I would follow. The College helped put me on the road to success and it can do the same for you!

The College has programs designed to meet nearly every student need. From transfer curriculum designed to assist those students pursuing four-year degrees to career technical education programs centered around building applicable job skills to our Basic Skills Initiative, the College is committed to helping each one of its students define what success means to them and then achieve it.

The College is also committed to the communities in which it serves and takes great pride in being a good corporate citizen. Part of that commitment is providing opportunities for lifelong learning and corporate training which the College offers through its Training Resource Center. Another part is offering students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities that enhance the educational experience such as the arts, intercollegiate athletics, and student government.

Wherever you are on your road to success, the College’s faculty, counselors, staff, and administrators are right there to assist you. So on behalf of our whole team, I want to wish you the very best that the College of the Sequoias has to offer!

- Brent Calvin, COS President/Superintendent

Mission Statement

Sequoias Community College District provides excellent higher education in a spirit of equity for our diverse student population. We believe in students achieving their full educational potential and support student success in attaining a variety of degrees and certificates, from basic skills to transfer education and workforce development.

Vision Statement

The entire College of the Sequoias community works in an environment of mutual respect to realize the following vision:

COS students will achieve their full educational potential regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ​gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, ability, culture, religion, and learning modality.

The COS environment will create a positive attitude among COS employees that carries over to the students and into the community.

COS will remain a community leader whose high standards positively impact the lives of the population it serves.

COS will align educational programs for higher education transfer, as well as to meet the constantly emerging economic and workforce development needs of the community through partnerships with business, government, industry and labor.​

Equity Statement

Sequoias Community College District commits to addressing inequity, particularly achievement and opportunity gaps, including racial, ethnic, and other equity gaps, experienced by student groups and the District Community. The District further commits to increasing the representation of diverse identities across the institution. The District will use an intentional, equity-minded approach informed by the centering of educational justice, diversity, and inclusion. The District will develop systems, policies, and practices that abolish unfair institutional barriers, produce equitable outcomes, and ensure access to rigorous, culturally responsive education and success for all its students and District members.

Catalog Rights

Students may graduate under the degree requirements in effect:

  1. At the time of first enrollment at College of the Sequoias*, as long as continuous enrollment is maintained; or
  2. Any academic year while continuous enrollment is maintained at College of the Sequoias; or
  3. At the time continuous enrollment is reestablished and maintained at College of the Sequoias; or
  4. At the time of graduation


At the time of first enrollment at College of the Sequoias does not apply to students concurrently enrolled in high school. Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in at least one semester per calendar year or one semester per academic year excluding summer session and ends with a break of more than two consecutive semesters (continuous enrollment cannot be maintained with a break of more than two consecutive semesters excluding summer session). Any academic record symbol (A-F, CR, NC, P, NP, I, IP, W) shall constitute enrollment. Exception: COS enrolled high school students completing all degree requirements while in high school can be awarded the degree requirements using any catalog rights listed.  



Accreditation at College of the Sequoias 

Institutional Accreditation

College of the Sequoias is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) 428 J Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including t​he filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at: www.accjc.org. The college's next comprehensive review will occur in Fall 2025.

To learn more about College of the Sequoias Accreditation, visit www.cos.edu/accreditation

Specialized Program Accreditation

The following College of the Sequoias Programs have been accredited through their own respective agencies as listed below:

Certified Nursing Assistant Program

Approved and accredited by the Department of Public Health, PO Box 997416 Sacramento, CA 95899-7416 | Phone: (916) 327-2445 | Fax: (916) 552-8785 | Email: cna@cdph.ca.gov


This program is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences, 4401 Ford Avenue, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA 22302-1432 | Phone: (703) 600-7600 | Fax: (703) 379-2200 | info@naccas.org

Emergency Medical Technician

Accredited by the Central California EMS Agency, 1221 Fulton Mall, 5th Floor; PO Box 11867, Fresno, CA 93775-1867 | Phone: (559) 600-3387 | Fax: (559) 600-7691 | ccemsa@co.fresno.ca.us

Fire Academy

The Academy is a 380-hour, 15-unit class that meets the requirements of the California State Fire Marshal’s Office for Fire Fighter I certification. Accredited by the California State Fire Marshall’s Office, P.O Box 997446 Sacramento, CA 95899 | Phone: (916) 445-8444

Post Certified Basic Police Academy

The Police Academy is a Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Certificated Training Academy for California law enforcement. It meets the basic requirement for employment as a municipal, county and state law enforcement officer. State law requires completion of a POST-Certified Basic Course for lateral-entry level employment in law enforcement. CA Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training: 860 Stillwater Road, Suite, 100 West Sacramento, CA 95605 | Phone: (916) 227-3909

Physical Therapist Assistant Program

Approved and Accredited status by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education of the American Physical Therapy Association (CAPTE) 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314 | Phone: 703-706-3245 | accreditation@apta.org

Registered Nursing Program

Approved by the California State Board of Nursing, P.O. Box 944210, Sacramento, CA 94244-2100 | Fax: (916) 574-7693

Certified Welding Program

Certified through the American Welding Society, 8669 NW 36 St. #130 Miami FL 33166 | Phone: 1-800-443-9353 ext. 273

Compliance and Disclosure Statement

College of the Sequoias is an Equal Opportunity Employer

College of the Sequoias does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, mental or physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, military service, or any other basis protected by law in any of its policies, procedures, or practices, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (pertaining to race, color, and national origin), Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (pertaining to sex), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (pertaining to handicap), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (pertaining to age), and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, the College’s programs and activities, including vocational education. Inquiries regarding the equal opportunity policies, the filing of grievance, or to request a copy of the grievance procedures covering discrimination complaints may be directed to:

John Bratsch, Dean of Human Resource Services
Equal Employment Opportunity Offices
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator
And ADA Compliance Office
(559) 730-3830

The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the College’s vocational education programs.


College of the Sequoias recognizes its obligation to provide overall program and physical accessibility throughout the District for persons with disabilities. If you believe that programs and services are not accessible, contact John Bratsch, Section 504 Coordinator/ADA Compliance Officer, at (559) 730-3830. Inquiries regarding Federal laws and regulations concerning non-discrimination in education or the District compliance with those provisions may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
221 Main Street, Suite 1020
San Francisco, California 94105

Student Right-to-Know Disclosure

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-542), it is the policy of our college district to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. This data can be located on the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office website.

Student-Right-to-Know (SRTK)

Policies and Administrative Procedures

Policies and Administrative Procedures provided in the catalog are subject to change. For the most current policies and procedures, students should consult the official COS website at www.cos.edu.

Statement of Professional Ethics (Administrative Procedure 3050)

College of the Sequoias (COS) is comprised of professionals who are dedicated to promoting a climate which enhances the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual within the college community. Although we work in various settings and positions, we are committed to protecting human rights and pursuing academic excellence. While demanding for ourselves freedom of inquiry and communication, we accept the responsibility these freedoms require: competency; objectivity in the application of skills; concern for the best interest of students, colleagues, and the college community; and avoidance of conflicts of interest; and, the appearance of impropriety.

  1. Model ethically responsible behavior for students and colleagues and expect ethical behavior from others at all times. When the employee and the College encounter disagreements or conflicts concerning ethical behavior, personal values, performance or conduct, both the employee and the College have the responsibility directly and constructively to seek resolution of the conflicts. Possible actions include:
    1. Confronting the individual in question,
    2. Utilizing institutional channels and procedures, and/or
    3. Using available mechanisms of professional associations.
  2. Have responsibilities to the institution and to individuals they serve. Therefore, employees support the philosophy and mission of the District.
  3. Address issues and work with people without prejudice and, therefore, do not discriminate unjustly against or in favor of any student or employee.
  4. Avoid relationships that seek to meet an employee’s personal needs at the expense of a student or a person under their supervision. They avoid conflicts of interest which may result from dual relationships, such as those of a sexual nature.
  5. Recognize that personal problems and conflicts may interfere with employee effectiveness. Accordingly, employees monitor their personal and professional effectiveness and seek assistance when needed (e.g., psychological, medical, legal).
  6. Ensure that accurate representation of District goals, services, programs, and policies are made to the public, students, and colleagues.
  7. Avoid conflicts of interest between their contractual obligations to the District and private business or personal commitments (e.g., not soliciting clients or selling services or products during the course of their regular work at COS and refusing remuneration for services rendered to persons for whom they perform the same services as an employee of the District).
  8. Avoid forcing personal values, beliefs, and behaviors on others.
  9. Recognize that the shift to an information society gives employees access to increasing amounts of data, much of it automated. Employees exercise the privilege of using such data with care and integrity, and actively guard the privacy of individuals.
  10. Engaged in research, are knowledgeable and skilled in research techniques, use sound and defensible methodologies, conduct and report investigations in a manner that minimizes the possibility that results will be misleading, inaccurate, and/or deceptively incomplete.
  11. Adhere to copyright law and established guidelines which seek an appropriate balance between the proprietary rights of copyright owners and the instructional needs of educational institutions.

Open Access Principle

The District maintains an open access admissions policy. Enrollment is open to any person who is a high school graduate or who is 18 years of age or over and able to benefit from instruction. Enrollment is also open to high school students who qualify for enrollment.

“The policy of this district is that, unless specifically exempted by statute or regulation, every course, course section, or class, reported for state aid, wherever offered and maintained by the district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the college(s) and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to section 55003 of division 6 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.”

The preliminary injunction regarding Proposition 187, issued March 15, 1995, remains in effect until further court notice; students who are not citizens or who are not officially authorized by federal law to be present in the United States will not be prevented from seeking admission, enrolling in, continuing their enrollment in, or attending any California Community College. Students will only be asked to verify their immigration status for the sole purpose of determining residence status for tuition purposes (March 24, 1995, California Community College Chancellor’s Office). By order of the San Francisco Superior Court, community colleges and all other public postsecondary institutions have been prohibited from taking action to implement or enforce Sections 8 and 9 of Proposition 187, an initiative passed by the electorate on November 8, 1994. Pending further court order, this college will take no action to prohibit the admission, enrollment or attendance of any person who is not a United States citizen or any person who is not otherwise authorized by federal law to be present in the United States. Students and applicants will not be prohibited from attending or continuing their enrollment based on the provisions of Section 8 and 9 of Proposition 187. In addition, this college will take no action to determine the legal status of enrollees as such status relates to the implementation and enforcement of Proposition 187. (see AB 540)

College of the Sequoias Foundation

The COS Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization led by volunteer community members within the COS District who are supportive of COS and its positive impact on students and their communities. Foundation volunteers and staff cultivate and direct community resources to COS in the areas that matter most to the communities which COS serves. Primarily through direct gifts, special events, and planned giving, these raised resources are invested or immediately spent for the direct benefit of COS students and programs. Some recent uses include student scholarships, educational equipment purchases, and capital improvements. To learn more about the COS Foundation or to contribute, go to the Foundation website or contact the Foundation Director, Tim Foster, at (559) 730-3861.