Transfer Information and Requirements

Students planning to transfer have a wide variety of options. The California State University with 23 campuses, the University of California with 9 campuses, and over 80 private/independent colleges in California provide a wide range of academic programs, physical and academic environments, and social climates. College of the Sequoias offers the equivalent of the first half of these college and university programs. Students wishing to pursue any of these goals should meet with a counselor as early as possible to discuss their plans. Careful planning will help students avoid mistakes that could prolong their academic pursuits.

Successful transfer planning requires the following steps:

  • Selecting a career goal
  • Selecting an appropriate major to meet your career goal
  • Selecting an appropriate college or university
  • Planning and completing an appropriate transfer program
  • Completing the application process

All colleges and universities have specific admissions requirements and may have special course and unit requirements, as well as minimum grade point averages that must be met prior to transfer. Once students identify their major and the college or university to which they wish to transfer, they should consult the catalog of that college or university for specific requirements. Catalogs for the California State University campuses, the University of California campuses, and selected private/independent colleges are available online and in the Transfer Center. Students interested in purchasing their own catalog can do so by writing directly to the college or university.

Colleges and universities require students to complete specific general education requirements as well as major requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students can complete both general education and lower division major requirements at COS prior to transfer. COS maintains articulation agreements for selected majors at many colleges, and COS counselors can assist with interpreting the agreements, catalog statements, and other requirements.

In accordance with Executive Order No. 167 from the Chancellor’s Office of the California State Universities and Colleges, College of the Sequoias has developed a list of courses that are baccalaureate level. Courses that are numbered 001-199 are accepted by the California State Universities and most private, independent colleges. Courses numbered 001-099 are accepted by the University of California; however, students should consult the “University of California Transfer Course List” in this catalog for specific limitations. COS courses that transfer to universities meet various requirements depending on the school and major selected.

Students are responsible for complying with regulations and instructions set forth in catalogs, for selecting the courses which will permit them to meet their educational objectives, and for satisfying any program or course prerequisites. College requirements and articulation agreements are constantly changing; contents of this catalog represent our best attempt to provide current and pertinent information for transfer students.

California State University Transfer Information

Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T)

The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (Senate Bill 1440, now codified in California Education Code sections 66746-66749) guarantees admission to California State University (CSU) campus for any community college student who completes an “associate degree for transfer,” a newly established variation of the associate degrees traditionally offered at a California community college. The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) is intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in a similar major at a CSU campus. Students completing these degrees (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major. In order to earn one of these degrees, students must complete a minimum of 60 required semester units of CSU-transferable coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students transferring to a CSU campus that does accept the AA-T or AS-T will be required to complete no more than 60 units after transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree (unless the major is a designated “high-unit” major). This degree may not be the best option for students intending to transfer to a particular CSU campus or to a university or college that is not part of the CSU system. Students should consult with a counselor when planning to complete the degree for more information on university admission and transfer requirements.

The following is required for all AA-T or AS-T degrees:

  1. Minimum of 60 CSU-transferable semester units.
  2. Minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU-transferable coursework. While a minimum of 2.0 is required for admission, some majors may require a higher GPA. Consult with a counselor for more information.
  3. Completion of a minimum of 18-semester units in an “AA-T” or “AS-T” major as detailed in the program requirements page of the degree. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of C or better. (Title 5 §55063).
  4. Certified completion of the California State University General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU GE Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern, including Area 1C: Oral Communication (CSU requirement only).

CSU Minimum Upper Division Transfer Requirements

If a student has completed at least 60 transferable semester (90 quarter) units, has a grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better in all transferable units attempted, and is in good standing at the last college or university attended, the student may be eligible for upper division transfer if the student has completed at least 30 semester (45 quarter) units of college courses with a minimum grade of C in each course to be selected from courses in English, arts and humanities, social science, science, and mathematics at a level at least equivalent to courses that meet general education requirements.

The 30 semester (45 quarter) units must include all of the general education requirements in communication in the English language (at least 9 semesters or 12 quarter units to include written communication, oral communication, and critical thinking) and mathematics (at least 3 semester or 4 quarter units) or, if completing the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, English communication (at least 9 semester or 12 quarter units in English composition, oral communication, and critical thinking) and the requirement in mathematics (at least 3 semester or 4 quarter units). Required courses must be completed by deadlines established by the university.

General Education Requirements for CSU

All campuses of the CSU system require a minimum of 48 units of general education. Thirty-nine of these units may be taken at community colleges. Beginning with Fall 1991, students may fulfill the lower division general education requirements prior to transfer by completing one of the following three options:

  1. The California State University General Education (CSU GE) Certification which will fulfill the lower division breadth/general education requirements for all CSU campuses.
  2. The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) certification which will fulfill the lower division breadth/general education requirements for all CSU and most UC campuses.
  3. The specific lower-division breadth/general education requirements of the campus to which they intend to transfer.

CSU General Education Certification Pattern (CSU GE)

Area A: English Language Communication & Critical Thinking

Choose one course from each sub-area (9 units minimum). All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

A1: Oral Communication
BUS/COMM 112Public Speaking for Business4
COMM 001Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
COMM 007Persuasion3
COMM 008Group Communication3
A2: Written Communication
ENGL 001College Reading and Composition4
A3: Critical Thinking
AJ 025Constitutional Law *3
ENGL 002Critical Reading, Writing, and Reasoning3
PHIL 020Introductory Logic3
PHIL 025Critical Thinking3
COMM 005Argumentation and Debate3

AJ 025 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY ( A3 or D).  

Area B: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one course from each group (9 units minimum). One laboratory science (Lab) required. Course in Group 3 must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

Group 1 (B1): Physical Sciences
AG 004Soil Science (Lab)3
ASTR 010Introduction to Astronomy3
CHEM 001General Chemistry 1 (Lab)5
CHEM 002General Chemistry 2 (Lab)5
CHEM 010Introduction to Chemistry (Lab)4
CHEM 012Organic Chemistry 1 (Lab)5
CHEM 013Organic Chemistry 2 (Lab)5
CHEM 020Introduction to General Chemistry (Lab)4
CHEM 021Organic/Biological Chemistry (Lab)4
GEOG 001Physical Geography3
GEOG 001LPhysical Geography Lab (Lab)1
GEOG 005Introduction to Weather and Climate3
GEOL 001Physical Geology (Lab)4
GEOL 005Earth History (Lab)4
GEOL 012Environmental Geology3
PHYS 020General Physics 1 (Lab)5
PHYS 021General Physics 2 (Lab)5
PHYS 055Physics 1: Mechanics & Waves (Lab)4
PHYS 056Physics 2: E&M and Heat (Lab)4
PHYS 057Physics 3: Modern Physics (Lab)5
PSCI 020Physical Science (Lab)4
Group 2 (B2): Life Sciences
AG 002Environmental Conservation3
ANTH 011Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 001Principles of Biology 1 (Lab)5
BIOL 002Principles of Biology 2 (Lab)5
BIOL 020Frontiers in Biology (Lab)4
BIOL 021Plant Biology (Lab)3
BIOL 022Animal Biology (Lab)3
BIOL 025Human Ecology3
BIOL 030Human Anatomy (Lab)4
BIOL 031Human Physiology (Lab)4
BIOL 040General Microbiology (Lab)4
PLSI 001Introduction to Plant Science (Lab)3
Group 3 (B4): Mathematics
BUS 020Business Statistics3
BUS 119Quantitative Methods3
MATH 005Modern Mathematics4
MATH 010Structure and Concepts 14
MATH 011Structures and Concepts 24
MATH 021Introduction to Statistics4
MATH 070Precalculus5
MATH 035Precalculus A4
MATH 044College Algebra4
MATH 054Precalculus B4
MATH 065Calculus 14
MATH 066Calculus 24
MATH 067Calculus 34
MATH 080Linear Algebra4
MATH 081Differential Equations5
SSCI 025Statistics - Social Sciences4

Area C: Arts and Humanities

Choose at least one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2 (9 units minimum).

Group 1 (C1): Arts
ARCH 070Architecture History 13
ARCH 071Architecture History 23
ART 001Art Appreciation3
ART 002Art History/Ancient-Gothic3
ART 003Art History/Gothic-Modern3
ART 004Art of Ancient America: Mesoamerica3
ART 005Art of Ancient America: South America3
CINA 031Film Appreciation-American3
CINA 032Film Appreciation-International3
MUS 001Music Fundamentals3
MUS 004Theory and Musicianship 14
MUS 005Theory and Musicianship 24
MUS 006Theory and Musicianship 34
MUS 007Theory and Musicianship 44
MUS 010Music Appreciation3
MUS 011Music Appreciation/Jazz3
MUS 013Music of the World3
MUS 014History of Rock and Roll3
DRAM 001Introduction to the Theatre3
DRAM 002Fundamentals of Acting 14
DRAM 003Fundamentals of Acting 23
DRAM 006Shakespeare 13
Group 2 (C2): Humanities
ASL 001American Sign Language 14
ASL 002American Sign Language 23
ASL 003American Sign Language 33
ASL 004American Sign Language 43
ASL 005Deaf Culture3
ASL 006Deaf Literature3
AJ 123Ethics in Criminal Justice3
BUS 185Ethics in Business and Industry3
DRAM 006Shakespeare *3
ENGL 004Composition and Literature3
ENGL 010Chicano Literature3
ENGL 015Survey of British Literature 13
ENGL 016Survey of British Literature 23
ENGL 018African American Literature3
ENGL 019Women in Literature3
ENGL 030American Literature 13
ENGL 031American Literature 23
ENGL 044World Literature 13
ENGL 045World Literature 23
ENGL 046Shakespeare3
ETHN 001Black American Studies *3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies *3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies *3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies *3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies *3
HIST 004History of Western Civilization to 1648 *3
HIST 005Western Civilization Since 1648 *3
HIST 017People of the US to 1877 **3
HIST 018People of the US from 1865 **3
HIST 023Mexican American *3
HIST 025World History to 1500 *3
LING 111Introduction to Language3
PHIL 001Introductory Philosophy3
PHIL 005Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 012Comparative Religion3
PORT 001Beginning Portuguese4
PORT 002Elementary Portuguese4
SPAN 001Beginning Spanish4
SPAN 002Elementary Spanish4
SPAN 003Intermediate Spanish4
SPAN 004Advanced Spanish4
SPAN 012Hispanic Literature3
SPAN 022SPAN 2 for Spanish Speakers4
SPAN 023Spanish 3 for Spanish Speakers4

DRAM 006 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C1 OR C2); ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003ETHN 004, & ETHN 010 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D or F); HIST 004HIST 005, HIST 023, & HIST 025 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D).


HIST 017 and/or HIST 018 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D) and may be used to meet the CSU American Institutions Requirement (see CSU American Institutions Requirement description below).

Area D: Social Sciences

Choose a minimum of 6 units. Courses from two different disciplines are recommended. 

AG 001AG, Society, & the Environment3
AGMT 001Agriculture Economics3
AJ 011Introduction to Criminal Justice3
AJ 025Constitutional Law *3
AJ 045Terrorism and Freedom3
ANTH 010Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 013Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion3
AJ 114Juvenile Delinquency3
ANTH 012Archaeology3
CHLD 039Child Growth and Development *3
CHLD 042Child, Family, and Community3
COMM 002Gender and Communication3
COMM 009Intercultural Communication3
ECON 040Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 050Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 025Introduction to Economics3
ETHN 001Black American Studies *3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies *3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies *3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies *3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies *3
GEOG 002World Regional Geography3
HIST 004History of Western Civilization to 1648 *3
HIST 005Western Civilization Since 1648 *3
HIST 017People of the US to 1877 **3
HIST 018People of the US from 1865 **3
HIST 023Mexican American *3
HIST 025World History to 1500 *3
JOUR 007Mass Communication3
JOUR 020Cultural Issues in Film/TV/Web3
KINE 093Women's Health3
NUTR 020Cultural Foods *3
PHSC 002Health and Social Justice3
POLS 005Federal, State and Local Government3
POLS 006Comparative Politics3
POLS 008International Relations3
POLS 011Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 012Introduction to Political Science3
POLS 013Introduction to the Politics of Race and Gender3
PSY 001General Psychology *3
PSY 005Social Psychology3
PSY 010Human Sexuality *3
PSY 034Abnormal Psychology *3
SOC 001Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 002Social Problems3
SOC 010Sociology of Gender3
SOC 015Self and Society3
SOC 026Marriage and Family Life *3
SOC 043Sociology of Deviance3
SSCI 050Law and Democracy3

ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003ETHN 004, & ETHN 010 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D or F); HIST 004, HIST 005, HIST 023, & HIST 025 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D); CHLD 039NUTR 020, PSY 001PSY 010, PSY 034, & SOC 026, can be counted in one AREA ONLY (D or E); AJ 025 can be counted in one AREA ONLY (A3 or D)


 HIST 017 and/or HIST 018 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D) and may be used to meet the CSU American Institutions Requirement (see CSU American Institutions Requirement description below).

Area E: Lifelong Learning & Self-Development

Choose one course (3 units minimum).

CHLD 039Child Growth and Development *3
COUN 010Career and Life Planning3
COUN 025College and Life Success3
ENGL 014Creative Writing3
HW 001Personal and Community Health3
HW 007Sports Health3
HW 104Drugs and Society3
KINE 088Sport and Exercise Psychology3
LIBR 050Research Skills for Lifelong Learning3
NURS 106Cultural Competency in Healthcare3
NUTR 018Nutrition3
NUTR 020Cultural Foods *3
PSY 001General Psychology *3
PSY 010Human Sexuality *3
PSY 034Abnormal Psychology *3
PSY 080Introduction to Lifespan Psychology3
PSY 133Personal and Social Growth3
SOC 026Marriage and Family Life *3

CHLD 039, NUTR 020, PSY 001, PSY 010, PSY 034, & SOC 026, can be counted in one AREA ONLY (E or D)

AREA F: Ethnic Studies

Choose one course (3 units minimum)

ETHN 001Black American Studies *3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies *3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies *3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies *3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies *3

ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003ETHN 004, & ETHN 010 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (C2 or D or F)

CSU American Institutions Requirement

Although not required, students are encouraged to complete the CSU American Institutions Requirement prior to transfer.  This requirement may be met after transfer; however, students are advised to meet this requirement prior to transfer while completing the CSU GE certification.  The following courses fulfill both the CSU American Institutions Requirement and the CSU GE Area C and/or CSU GE Area D requirements.

POLS 005Federal, State and Local Government3
HIST 017People of the US to 18773
or HIST 018 People of the US from 1865

CSU GE Certification

“Certification” means that College of the Sequoias has verified that a student has completed the lower division general education requirements for the California State University. Certification is important because without it students will be held to the general education requirements specific to the CSU campus to which the student transfers. Courses from other colleges and universities may be considered for certification by petition through a process called “pass along certification”:

  1. courses taken at CSU campuses, and other California Community Colleges will be certified in the subject areas (AREA A - E) approved by the institution where the courses were taken,
  2. courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities will be certified only if the course is determined to be equivalent to a course in a California Community College Certification Pattern. Courses deemed equivalent would be certified in the areas (AREA A - E) in which the equivalent courses have been approved.

AP Exams Approved to Clear Specific CSU GE Areas

The first number in the ( ) is semester units granted by all campuses of the CSU, at a minimum, as elective credits which count toward the 60 transferable units necessary for admissions eligibility. The second number in ( ) is the semester units applied to the fulfillment of the CSU GE requirements.

AP Score=3, 4, 5 GE Area
Art History (6/3) C1 or C2
Biology (6/4) B2 and B3
Calculus AB (3/3) B4
Calculus BC (6/3) B4
Chemistry (6/4) B1 and B3
Chinese L&C (6/3) C2
Computer Science Principles (6/3) B4
English Lang & Comp (6/3)* A2
English Lit & Comp (6/6)* A2 and C2
Environ Sci (4/4) B1 and B3
French L&C (6/3) C2
German L&C (6/3) C2
Govt: US (3/3) D
Govt: Comparative (3/3) D
Hist: European (6/3) D or C2
Hist: U.S. (6/3) D or C2
Hist: World (6/3) D or C2
Italian L&C (6/3) C2
Human Geography (3/3) D
Japanese L&C (6/3) C2
Latin (6/3) C2
Microeconomics (3/3) D
Macroeconomics (3/3) D
Phys 1 (4/4) B1 and B3
Phys 2 (4/4) B1 and B3
Phys C (Mech) (4/4) B1 and B3
Phys C (Elect) (4/4) B1 and B3
Precalculus (3/3) B4
Psychology (3/3) D
Spanish L&C (6/3) C2
Spanish Lit&C (6/3) C2
Statistics (3/3) B4

NOTE: This list includes only AP exams approved for CSU GE and is not exhaustive; unit limitations for electives include 6 units for both calculus exams, and 6 units for more than one physics exam (see counselor for additional details). AP GOVT: U.S. exam may be used to clear CSU GE AREA D8; however, in order to clear the CSU American Institution graduation requirement for Federal, State, and Local Government students must also complete POLS 010.

University of California Transfer Information

Eligibility for Transfer to UC

If a student was eligible for admission to the University of California when the student graduated from high school — meaning the student satisfied the subject, scholarship, and examination requirements, or was identified by the University during the senior year in high school as being eligible under the Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Program, the student is eligible to transfer if the student has a “C” (2.0) average in the student's transferable college coursework.

If a student met the Scholarship Requirement but did not satisfy the 15-course Subject Requirement, the student must take transferable college courses in the missing subjects, earn a minimum grade of C in each required course and maintain a 2.0 GPA in all transferable coursework to be eligible for transfer.

If a student was not eligible for admission to the University when the student graduated from high school because of not meeting the Scholarship Requirement, the student must:

  1. Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.4 (2.8 for nonresidents); No more than 14 semester/21 quarter units may be taken (pass/not pass), and;
  2. Complete the following seven transferable college courses, earning a minimum grade of C in each course:
    1. Two transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) in English composition, and;
    2. One transferable college course (3 semester 4-5 quarter units) in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning, and;
    3. Four transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) chosen from at least two of the following subject areas: the arts and humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, or the physical and biological sciences.

Students who satisfy the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum prior to transferring to UC will satisfy Requirement 2 above of the transfer admission requirements.

General Education Requirements for UC

Each school and college at every UC campus has its own breadth/general education requirements. Students may fulfill the lower division breadth/general education requirements at most UC campuses by completing one of the following two options:

  1. The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum which will fulfill the lower division breadth/general education requirements for most UC and all CSU campuses.
  2. The specific lower-division breadth/general education requirements of the campus to which they intend to transfer.

Students should consult a COS Counselor to determine which option is best suited for their educational objective.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)

Area 1: English Communication

CSU Transfer Students: Choose one course from each Group (9 units minimum). 

UC Transfer Students: Choose one course from Group 1A and one course from Group 1B (6 units minimum).

Group 1A: English Composition
ENGL 001College Reading and Composition4
Group 1B: Critical Thinking-English Composition
ENGL 002Critical Reading, Writing, and Reasoning3
PHIL 025Critical Thinking3
Group 1C: Oral Communication (CSU Requirement Only)
COMM 001Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
COMM 007Persuasion3
COMM 008Group Communication3

Area 2: Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one course (3 units minimum).

BUS 020Business Statistics *3
MATH 021Introduction to Statistics *4
MATH 035Precalculus A4
MATH 044College Algebra4
MATH 054Precalculus B4
MATH 070Precalculus5
MATH 065Calculus 14
MATH 066Calculus 24
MATH 067Calculus 34
MATH 080Linear Algebra4
MATH 081Differential Equations5
SSCI 025Statistics - Social Sciences4

Indicates number of transfer units may be limited by UC. Consult the University of California Transfer Course List below.

Area 3: Arts and Humanities

Choose three courses, at least one course from Group 3A and one course from Group 3B (9 units minimum).

Group 3A: Arts
ART 001Art Appreciation3
ART 002Art History/Ancient-Gothic3
ART 003Art History/Gothic-Modern3
ART 004Art of Ancient America: Mesoamerica3
ART 005Art of Ancient America: South America3
ARCH 070Architecture History 13
ARCH 071Architecture History 23
CINA 031Film Appreciation-American3
CINA 032Film Appreciation-International3
DRAM 001Introduction to the Theatre3
DRAM 006Shakespeare **3
MUS 004Theory and Musicianship 1 *4
MUS 005Theory and Musicianship 2 *4
MUS 006Theory and Musicianship 34
MUS 007Theory and Musicianship 44
MUS 010Music Appreciation3
MUS 011Music Appreciation/Jazz3
MUS 013Music of the World3
MUS 014History of Rock and Roll3
Group 3B: Humanities
ASL 003American Sign Language 33
ASL 004American Sign Language 43
ASL 005Deaf Culture3
DRAM 006Shakespeare **3
ENGL 004Composition and Literature3
ENGL 010Chicano Literature3
ENGL 015Survey of British Literature 13
ENGL 016Survey of British Literature 23
ENGL 018African American Literature3
ENGL 019Women in Literature3
ENGL 030American Literature 13
ENGL 031American Literature 23
ENGL 044World Literature 13
ENGL 045World Literature 23
ENGL 046Shakespeare3
ETHN 001Black American Studies **3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies **3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies **3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies **3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies **3
HIST 004History of Western Civilization to 1648 **3
HIST 005Western Civilization Since 1648 **3
HIST 017People of the US to 1877 ***3
HIST 018People of the US from 1865 ***3
HIST 023Mexican American **3
HIST 025World History to 1500 **3
PHIL 001Introductory Philosophy3
PHIL 005Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 012Comparative Religion3
SPAN 003Intermediate Spanish *4
SPAN 004Advanced Spanish *4
SPAN 012Hispanic Literature3
SPAN 023Spanish 3 for Spanish Speakers *4

Indicates number of transfer units may be limited by UC. Consult with a counselor for additional information.


ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003, ETHN 004, and ETHN 010; HIST 004, HIST 005HIST 023, & HIST 025 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3B or 4). DRAM 006 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3A or 3B).


HIST 017 and/or HIST 018 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3B or 4) and may be used to meet the CSU American Institutions Requirement (see CSU American Institutions Requirement description below).

Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Choose two courses from two different disciplines (6 units minimum).

AG 001AG, Society, & the Environment3
AGMT 001Agriculture Economics3
AJ 045Terrorism and Freedom3
ANTH 010Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 012Archaeology3
ANTH 013Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion3
CHLD 039Child Growth and Development3
CHLD 042Child, Family, and Community3
COMM 002Gender and Communication3
COMM 009Intercultural Communication3
ETHN 001Black American Studies *3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies *3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies *3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies *3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies *3
ECON 025Introduction to Economics3
ECON 040Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 050Principles of Macroeconomics3
GEOG 002World Regional Geography3
HIST 004History of Western Civilization to 1648 *3
HIST 005Western Civilization Since 1648 *3
HIST 017People of the US to 1877 **3
HIST 018People of the US from 1865 **3
HIST 023Mexican American *3
HIST 025World History to 1500 *3
JOUR 007Mass Communication3
JOUR 020Cultural Issues in Film/TV/Web3
NUTR 020Cultural Foods3
POLS 005Federal, State and Local Government ***3
POLS 006Comparative Politics3
POLS 008International Relations3
POLS 011Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 012Introduction to Political Science3
PSY 001General Psychology3
PSY 005Social Psychology3
PSY 010Human Sexuality3
PSY 034Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 080Introduction to Lifespan Psychology3
SOC 001Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 002Social Problems3
SOC 010Sociology of Gender3
SOC 026Marriage and Family Life3
SOC 043Sociology of Deviance3
SSCI 050Law and Democracy3

ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003, ETHN 004, and ETHN 010; HIST 004, HIST 005HIST 023, & HIST 025 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3B or 4)


HIST 017 and/or HIST 018 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3B or 4) and may be used to meet the CSU American Institutions Requirement (see CSU American Institutions Requirement description below).


POLS 005  may be used to meet the CSU American Institutions Requirement (see CSU American Institutions Requirement description below).

Area 5: Physical and Biological Sciences

Choose two courses, one from Group 5A and one from Group 5B; at least one course must include a laboratory (7 units minimum).

Group 5A: Physical Science
AG 004Soil Science3
ASTR 010Introduction to Astronomy3
CHEM 001General Chemistry 1 (Lab) *5
CHEM 002General Chemistry 2 (Lab) *5
CHEM 010Introduction to Chemistry *4
CHEM 012Organic Chemistry 1 (Lab) *5
CHEM 013Organic Chemistry 2 (Lab) *5
CHEM 020Introduction to General Chemistry (Lab) *4
CHEM 021Organic/Biological Chemistry (Lab) *4
GEOG 001Physical Geography (Lab)3
GEOG 001LPhysical Geography Lab (Lab)1
GEOG 005Introduction to Weather and Climate3
GEOL 001Physical Geology (Lab)4
GEOL 005Earth History (Lab)4
GEOL 012Environmental Geology3
PSCI 020Physical Science (Lab) *4
PHYS 020General Physics 1 (Lab) *5
PHYS 021General Physics 2 (Lab) *5
PHYS 055Physics 1: Mechanics & Waves (Lab) *4
PHYS 056Physics 2: E&M and Heat (Lab)4
PHYS 057Physics 3: Modern Physics (Lab)5
Group 5B: Biological Sciences
AG 002Environmental Conservation3
ANTH 011Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 001Principles of Biology 1 (Lab)5
BIOL 002Principles of Biology 2 (Lab)5
BIOL 020Frontiers in Biology (Lab) *4
BIOL 021Plant Biology (Lab)3
BIOL 022Animal Biology (Lab)3
BIOL 025Human Ecology3
BIOL 030Human Anatomy (Lab)4
BIOL 031Human Physiology (Lab)4
BIOL 040General Microbiology (Lab)4
PLSI 001Introduction to Plant Science3

Indicates number of transfer units may be limited by UC. Consult with a counselor for additional information.

Area 6: Language Other than English (UC Requirement Only)

Requirement may be satisfied by completing one of the following courses: SPAN 002SPAN 003, SPAN 004SPAN 022, SPAN 023,ASL 001, ASL 002, ASL 003, ASL 004, or PORT 002 or by completing one of the following:

  1. Completion of 2 years of the same foreign language in high school with a minimum grade of C; or
  2. A score of 3 or higher on an AP exam in language other than English; or
  3. An appropriate score on an SAT II subject test in a language other than English; or
  4. A score of 5 or higher on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level Exam in a language other than English; or
  5. Satisfactory completion, with a minimum grade of C, of two years of formal schooling at the sixth grade level or higher in an institution where the language of instruction is not English.

AREA 7: Ethnic Studies

Choose one course (3 units minimum)

ETHN 001Black American Studies *3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies *3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies *3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies *3
ETHN 010Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Studies *3

ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003ETHN 004, & ETHN 010 can be counted in ONE AREA ONLY (3B, 4, or 7)

CSU American Institutions Requirement

Although not required, CSU bound students are encouraged to complete the CSU American Institutions Requirement prior to transfer.  This requirement may be met after transfer; however, students are advised to meet this requirement prior to transfer while completing the IGETC certification.  The following courses fulfill both the CSU American Institutions Requirement and the IGETC Area 3B and/or IGETC Area 4 requirements.

POLS 005Federal, State and Local Government3
HIST 017People of the US to 18773
or HIST 018 People of the US from 1865

IGETC Certification

“Certification” means that College of the Sequoias has verified that a student has completed the lower division general education requirements for the University of California. Certification is important because without it students will be held to the general education requirements specific to the UC campus to which the student transfers. Courses from other colleges and universities may be considered for certification through a process called “pass along certification”:

  1. Courses taken at other California Community Colleges will be certified in the subject areas (AREA 1 – 6) approved by the institution where the courses were taken, and
  2. Courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities will be certified only if the course is determined to be equivalent to a course on a California Community College IGETC Certification Pattern. Courses deemed equivalent would be certified in the subject areas in which the equivalent CCC courses have been approved.

IGETC Exceptions

IGETC is not accepted for Engineering majors and the following: Berkeley - College of Environmental Design, Chemistry, Natural Resources, and the Haas School of Business; Davis - all bachelor of science majors; Los Angeles – School of Applied Science; Riverside – College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences; San Diego – Eleanor Roosevelt College and Revelle College; Santa Cruz – Physical and Biological Sciences.

IGETC is not recommended for the following: Merced – School of Natural Sciences; Santa Barbara - Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, and Geology.

AP Exams Approved to Clear Specific IGETC Areas

The first number in the ( ) is semester units granted by all campuses of the UC, at a minimum, as elective credits which count toward the 60 transferable units necessary for admissions eligibility. This list includes only AP exams approved for IGETC and is not exhaustive; unit limitations include 5.3 units for both English exams, 5.3 units for both calculus exams, and 5.3 units for all three physics exams (see a counselor for a complete list of exams and unit limitations.). The second number in the ( ) is the semester units applied to the fulfillment of IGETC requirements.

AP Score=3, 4, 5 GE Area
Art History (5.3/3) 3A or 3B
Biology (5.3/4) 5B and 5C
Calculus AB (2.7/3) 2
Calculus BC (5.3/3) 2
Chemistry (5.3/4) 5A and 5C
Chinese L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
English Lang & Comp (5.3/3) 1A
English Lit & Comp (5.3/3) 1A or 3B
Environ Sci (2.7/3) 5A and 5C
French L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
German L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Govt: U.S. (2.7/3) 41
Govt: Comparative (2.7/3) 4
Hist: European (5.3/3) 3B or 4
Hist: U.S. (5.3/3) 3B or 4
Hist: World (5.3/3) 3B or 4
Human Geog (2.7/3) 4
Italian L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Japanese L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Latin (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Macroeconomics (2.7/3) 4
Microeconomics (2.7/3) 4
Phys 1 (5.3/4) 5A and 5C
Phys 2 (5.3/4) 5A and 5C
Phys C (Mech) (2.7/3) 5A and 5C
Phys C (Elect) (2.7/3) 5A and 5C
Psychology (2.7/3) 4
Spanish L&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Spanish Lit&C (5.3/3) 3B and 6
Statistics (2.7/3) 2

NOTE: AP GOVT: U.S. Exam may be used to clear IGETC AREA 4; however, in order to clear the CSU American Institution graduation requirement for Federal, State, and Local Government students must also complete POLS 010.

University of California Transfer Course List

College of the Sequoias courses that are acceptable by the University of California including all unit limitations are as follows:

Accounting ACCT 001, ACCT 002
Administration of Justice AJ 011, AJ 013, AJ 0141, AJ 0251, AJ 045
Agriculture AG 002, AG 003, AG 004
Agriculture Management AGMT 001
American Sign Language ASL 001, ASL 002, ASL 003, ASL 004, ASL 005, ASL 006
Animal Science ASCI 001, ASCI 002, ASCI 022
Anthropology ANTH 010, ANTH 011, ANTH 012, ANTH 013
Architecture ARCH 010, ARCH 011, ARCH 013, ARCH 014, ARCH 020, ARCH 021, ARCH 070, ARCH 071
Art ART 001, ART 002, ART 003, ART 004, ART 005, ART 006, ART 008, ART 009, ART 015, ART 016, ART 023, ART 025, ART 032, ART 043, ART 044, ART 049, ART 061, ART 062, ART 063, ART 064, ART 066, ART 067, ART 080
Astronomy ASTR 010
Biology BIOL 001, BIOL 002, BIOL 0202, BIOL 0212, BIOL 0222, BIOL 025, BIOL 030, BIOL 031, BIOL 040
Business BUS 018, BUS 0203, BUS 082
Chemistry CHEM 001, CHEM 002, CHEM 012, CHEM 013, CHEM 0204, CHEM 0215
Child Development CHLD 039, CHLD 042
Cinema Arts CINA 031, CINA 032
Communication COMM 001, COMM 004, COMM 005, COMM 007, COMM 008, COMM 009
Computer COMP 005, COMP 006, COMP 008, COMP 009
Computer Science CSCI 001, CSCI 002
Dance DANC 020, DANC 041, DANC 050, DANC 051, DANC 054, DANC 055, DANC 056, DANC 058, DANC 059, DANC 061, DANC 062, DANC 063, DANC 070, DANC 071, DANC 080, DANC 081, DANC 082, DANC 085
Counseling COUN 025
Drafting DRFT 016
Drama DRAM 001, DRAM 002, DRAM 003, DRAM 004, DRAM 005, DRAM 006, DRAM 012, DRAM 013, DRAM 014, DRAM 015, DRAM 016, DRAM 017, DRAM 019, DRAM 020, DRAM 021, DRAM 022, DRAM 030
Earth Science ESCI 001, ESCI 055
Economics ECON 025, ECON 040, ECON 050
Education EDUC 050
Engineering ENGR 001, ENGR 002, ENGR 003, ENGR 004
English ENGL 001, ENGL 002, ENGL 004, ENGL 010, ENGL 014, ENGL 015, ENGL 016, ENGL 018, ENGL 019, ENGL 030, ENGL 031, ENGL 044, ENGL 045, ENGL 046
Ethnic Studies ETHN 001, ETHN 002, ETHN 003, ETHN 004
English as a Second Language ESL 090
Fashion FASH 076
Geography GEOG 001, GEOG 001L, GEOG 002, GEOG 005
Geology GEOL 001, GEOL 005, GEOL 012
Health and Wellness HW 0016, HW 003, HW 0076, HW 0606
History HIST 004, HIST 005, HIST 017, HIST 018, HIST 023, HIST 025
Human Services HSRV 012
Independent Study (See COS Counselor)
Intercollegiate Athletics IA 001AD through IA 051AD7
Journalism JOUR 001, JOUR 007, JOUR 011, JOUR 020
Kinesiology KINE 0018, KINE 0828, KINE 0848, KINE 0888, KINE 0938
Mathematics MATH 005, MATH 0109, MATH 0119, MATH 02110, MATH 03520, MATH 04420, MATH 065, MATH 066, MATH 067, MATH 07020, MATH 080, MATH 081
Music MUS 00111, MUS 00411, MUS 00511, MUS 006, MUS 007, MUS 010, MUS 011, MUS 013, MUS 014, MUS 020AD, MUS 030, MUS 031, MUS 034AD, MUS 036, MUS 037, MUS 038, MUS 039, MUS 041AD, MUS 054AD, MUS 072AD, MUS 074AD, MUS 091, MUS 097
Nutrition NUTR 018, NUTR 020
Ornamental Horticulture OH 001, OH 00212, OH 00312, OH 007
Philosophy PHIL 001, PHIL 005, PHIL 012, PHIL 020, PHIL 025
Physical Education Activity (PEAC) PEAC 001 through PEAC 09913
Physical Science PSCI 02014
Physics PHYS 02015, PHYS 02115, PHYS 05515, PHYS 05615, PHYS 05715
Plant Science PLSI 001, PLSI 012
Political Science POLS 005, POLS 006, POLS 008, POLS 010, POLS 012, POLS 013
Portuguese PORT 001, PORT 002
Psychology PSY 001, PSY 005, PSY 010, PSY 029, PSY 034, PSY 080
Public Health Science PHSC 001, PHSC 002
Sociology SOC 001, SOC 002, SOC 010, SOC 015, SOC 026, SOC 043
Social Science SSCI 02516, SSCI 050, SSCI 008
Spanish SPAN 001, SPAN 002, SPAN 003, SPAN 004, SPAN 012, SPAN 02217, SPAN 02318
Sports Medicine SMED 040, SMED 06019

AJ 014 and AJ 025 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course


No credit for BIOL 020 or BIOL 022 if taken after BIOL 001. No credit for BIOL 021 if taken after BIOL 002


BUS 020, MATH 021 and SSCI 025 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course


No credit for CHEM 020 if taken after CHEM 001


No credit for CHEM 021 if taken after CHEM 012


HW 001, HW 007, and HW 060 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course
NOTE: HW 060 same as SMED 060


See PEAC for limitation


KINE 001, KINE 082, KINE 084, KINE 088, KINE 093 combined: maximum credit - 8 units


MATH 010 and MATH 011 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course


MATH 021, BUS 020 and SSCI 025 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course


MUS 001, MUS 004, & MUS 005 combined: no credit for MUS 001 if taken after MUS 004 or MUS 005


OH 002 and OH 003 combined; maximum credit allowed - one course


Any or all of these PE Activity courses: maximum credit allowed - 4 units


No credit for PSCI 020 if taken after a college course in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, or Physics


PHYS 020, PHYS 021, combined with PHYS 055, PHYS 056, and PHYS 057: maximum credit - one series


SSCI 025, BUS 020 and MATH 021 combined: maximum credit allowed - one course


SPAN 022 is equivalent to SPAN 002: maximum credit allowed - one course
SPAN 002 and SPAN 022 each correspond to two years of high school study


SPAN 023 is equivalent to SPAN 003: maximum credit allowed - one course 


SMED 060 and HW 001 & HW 007 combined; maximum credit allowed - one course
NOTE: SMED 060 same as HW 060


MATH 035, MATH 044, and MATH 070 combined: maximum credit, 5 units