Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts – Pathway to Educational Occupations (AA)

Division: Student Services

This program is designed for students seeking a broad knowledge base in Liberal Arts, plus additional course work in an area of education. This program would be an ideal selection for those students pursuing an introductory career in the field of education. Due to the variations in admissions into programs, careers, and major requirements, selection of courses within the area of emphasis should be done in collaboration with a COS counselor.

Program Outcomes

  • Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to obtain a certificate and/or degree in preparation for pre-professional education careers such as teacher's aid, pre-school associate teacher or assistant, and/or prepared for pre-teaching credential.

Career Opportunities

Access to programs and entry-level employment in pre-professional education careers such as teacher's aide, pre-school associate teacher or assistant, and/or prepared for pre-teaching credential.

Program Requirements

College of the Sequoias' Associate Degree General Education (COS-GE)25
Complete a minimum of 18 units with a "C" grade or better from the following. Courses used to fulfill the General Education requirements listed above may be counted as part of this 18 unit minimum.
ART 001Art Appreciation3
ART 008Drawing Fundamentals3
BIOL 020Frontiers in Biology4
BIOL 021Plant Biology3
BIOL 022Animal Biology3
BIOL 025Human Ecology3
CHEM 010Introduction to Chemistry4
CHEM 020Intro to General Chemistry4
CHLD 039Child Growth and Development3
CHLD 042Child, Family, and Community3
CHLD 140Pract-Teaching Young Children3
CHLD 148Health, Safety, and Nutrition3
COMM 001Fundamentals/Public Speaking3
COMM 004Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 005Argumentation and Debate3
COMM 008Group Communication3
COMP 005Computer Concepts4
COMP 130Intro to Personal Computers4
DRAM 001Intro to the Theatre3
EDUC 050Introduction to Teaching3
EDUC 120Tech Skills for Educators3
ENGL 001College Reading & Composition4
ENGL 002Critical Read, Write, & Reason3
ENGL 004Composition and Literature3
ESCI 001Introduction to Earth Science4
ETHN 001Black American Studies3
ETHN 002American Indian Studies3
ETHN 003Chicana and Chicano Studies3
ETHN 004Asian American Studies3
ETHN 010Ethnic/Social Justice Studies3
GEOG 001Physical Geography3
GEOG 001LPhysical Geography Lab Class1
GEOG 002World Regional Geography3
GEOL 001Physical Geology4
HIST 017People of the US to 18773
HIST 018People of the US from 18653
HIST 025World History to 15003
HW 001Personal & Community Health3
LING 111Introduction to Language3
MATH 005Modern Mathematics4
MATH 010Structure and Concepts 14
MATH 011Structure and Concepts 24
MATH 021Introduction to Statistics4
MATH 044College Algebra4
MUS 001Music Fundamentals3
MUS 010Music Appreciation3
NUTR 018Nutrition3
NSCI 131Chem & Physics for Educators4
PHIL 001Introductory Philosophy3
PHIL 020Introductory Logic3
PHIL 025Critical Thinking3
POLS 005Federal, State and Local Govt3
POLS 010California Govt and Politics1
PSY 080Intro to Lifespan Psychology3
Select additional courses numbered 1-299 to achieve 60 units.
The Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts requirements include completion of the 60 unit program defined above with at least 12 units taken in residence at College of the Sequoias with a “C” (2.0) average.