
Division: Language & Communication Studies
Linguistics investigates the science of language.  This includes, but is not limited to the study of syntax, phonetics and semantics.  Linguistics prepares students for successful careers in language teaching and other education positions both in the US and abroad. Linguistics also prepares individuals for careers in the computer industry, law, publishing and the media, advertising and government.

Contact Information

Dean of Language and Communication Studies/Educational Support Services

Dr. Francisco Castillo, Ed.D. | (559) 737-5362 |
Educational Support Services: 113 | Visalia Campus 

For a complete list of courses and descriptions visit: COURSES

LING 111 Introduction to Language 3 unit(s)
Hours: 3 Lecture/Discussion
An introduction to the nature, structure, and acquisition of human language; the nature of linguistic diversity; the relationship between linguistic structure, language use, and development.