The Business Department prepares students for entry-level employment and/or potential further study in the field of Business through the study of general business, communications, math, computers, ethics, and human relations. Students will acquire skills in computer applications, keyboarding and ten-key, office management and procedures, and oral and written communications.
Career Opportunities: Upon successful completion, students will be prepared for careers or employment in the following fields: administration, management, human resources, finance, secretarial, and various office positions.
Contact Information
Business Division Chair
Gabriel Giannandrea | (559) 737-6180 |
Kern: 711F | Visalia Campus
Dean of Business, Social Science, and Consumer Family Studies
Jesse Wilcoxson, Ed.D. | (559) 737-6281 |
Kern: 716 | Visalia Campus
For a complete list of courses and descriptions visit: COURSES
BUS 018 Business Law
4 unit(s)
Recommended for most business majors, this course includes an introduction to the U.S. legal system; the relation of ethics to law; administrative, criminal, tort, and labor law; and legal aspects of international trade. Emphasis is on the study of the law of contracts and agency, with case studies, discussion, and analysis. (C-ID BUS120)
BUS 020 Business Statistics
3 unit(s)
BUS 020 is intended for business administration majors or anyone who wishes to gain an understanding of elementary data analysis, probability, and statistics. It introduces students to the use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability and sampling distributions; statistical inference; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance, chi-square and t-tests, central tendency and dispersion measures; index numbers (CPI, deflators); time series analysis (trends, seasonal variations); probability theory; probability and sampling distributions (normal, exponential, binomial, Poisson); central limit theorem; and application of technology for statistical analysis, including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings. Approved for Distance Learning format. (C-ID MATH110)
BUS 082 Introduction to Business
3 unit(s)
BUS 082 provides a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization’s policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. This course demonstrates how these influences impact the primary areas of business including organizational structure and design, leadership, human resource management, organized labor practices; marketing; organizational communication; technology; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, financial practices; the stock and securities market; and therefore affect a business’ ability to achieve its organizational goals. (C-ID BUS110)
BUS 100 Career Strategies
3 unit(s)
This course is designed to increase a student's understanding of researching jobs and organizations, resume creation, employment interviewing, and professional development, including communication skills. Networking with the business community is an integral component of this course.
BUS 112 Public Speaking for Business
4 unit(s)
This is an introductory course in public speaking and presentation software. This course covers a variety of formal public speaking styles and formats. Students will also learn how to create a computerized slide show, as well as speaker outlines/notes and audience handouts to assist in their presentations.
BUS 119 Quantitative Methods
3 unit(s)
This is an introductory course for Business Administration majors designed to develop an appreciation of the value of quantitative methods in decision making by formulation and solution of common business problems. Topics include linear models, matrix algebra, linear programming, finance, and an introduction to probability. Approved for Distance Learning format. (C-ID MATH130)
BUS 174 Marketing Principles
3 unit(s)
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of marketing by exposing them to planning, producing, storing, promoting, selling, and distributing commodities. In addition, the student will focus on the importance of market research, market segmentation, consumer behavior, marketing plans, and advancements in e-business and the internet.
BUS 181 Intro to Entrepreneurship
3 unit(s)
Business 181 develops an understanding of complex tasks faced by individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities. It identifies the methods for developing a business idea, the process of starting a business, how to acquire resources, and the key parts of a business plan.
BUS 184 Business Communications
3 unit(s)
This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business setting. Students are exposed to various topics related to etiquette, interpersonal and group communication within the context of an office or virtual office setting. Students will develop skills using a 3 x 3 writing process applicable to all forms of written communication, including memos, emails, business letters, micro-messages and reports. Techniques for oral presentations with visual aids, communication ethics and cross-cultural communications are also explored. Upon completing the course, students will be able to analyze and adapt their message to the audience, be able to research, organize and draft a business message and be able to edit and proofread for clarity, conciseness and purpose.
BUS 185 Ethics in Business and Industry
3 unit(s)
The focus of this class will be on the application of ethics to contemporary issues occurring in today's business and industry. Students will also be exposed to the theoretical approaches to ethics.
BUS 188 Human Relations in Business
3 unit(s)
Students will become acquainted with acceptable patterns of behavior and performance standards that will enhance their skills in the workplace and in life. The student will be exposed to management techniques applicable to business, domestic, personal, and social lives. Exploration of issues include soft skills, diversity, leadership, teamwork, motivation, employee development, stress management, physical and emotional health, wellness, ethics, decision making, and problem solving toward the goal of improving interpersonal effectiveness on the job. This course is a general education course that will be of value to both the business and non-business student.
BUS 268 Electronic Calculating
2 unit(s)
This course introduces the students to the ten-key pad. Students will develop speed and accuracy using the touch method, review the principles of arithmetic, and transfer the skills to the solution of business problems.
BUS 270 College Keyboarding Level 1
3 unit(s)
BUS 270 is an introductory keyboarding course designed to help students develop strong keyboarding skills to key alphabetic, numeric, and symbol keys correctly by touch; learn basic computer application skills of file management and word processing; and format basic business documents.
BUS 271 College Keyboarding Level 2
3 unit(s)
BUS 271 is an intermediate keyboarding course with emphasis on improving speed and accuracy by touch and learning advanced features of word processing to create, format, and edit advanced business documents. Formatting applications include business correspondence (fax, letters, memos mail merge), forms, tables, reports, itineraries, agendas, minutes, news releases, outlines, flyers, and job search documents.
BUS 293 Business English
4 unit(s)
This course is designed to help students become more proficient in and more comfortable with the use of the English language. It provides a complete review of and practice in using the fundamentals of English grammar: parts of speech, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, plurals, possessives, number usage, and vocabulary building.
BUS 295 Business Mathematics
3 unit(s)
A broad course designed to expose students to a wide variety of business computations and applications, including percentages, discounts, markups and markdowns, simple interest, payroll, taxes, commissions, banking, business statistics, and the applied use of algebra in solving business problems.
BUS 297 Personal Finance
3 unit(s)
This course is for both business and non-business majors and provides an overview of the elements necessary for effective personal financial planning. Topics include the components of a financial plan; personal financial statements; time value of money; managing money; managing liquidity; managing credit; personal loans; tax concepts and planning; investments including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; purchasing and financing a home; life, health, auto, disability and other types of insurance; retirement planning; and estate planning.
BUS 319 Support for Quantitative Methods
2 unit(s)
Co-requisite support for
BUS 119 Quantitative Methods. This 2-unit course is intended to provide co-requisite support for students requiring remediation in mathematics while they are concurrently enrolled in
BUS 119. Emphasis will be placed on prerequisite skills needed for Quantitative Methods as well as study skills, appropriate use of technology, and just in time review and remediation.
BUS 320 Support for Business Statistics
2 unit(s)
Co-requisite support for
BUS 020 Business Statistics. This 2-unit course is intended to provide co-requisite support for students requiring remediation in mathematics while they are concurrently enrolled in
BUS 020. Emphasis will be placed on prerequisite skills needed for statistics as well as study skills, appropriate use of technology, and just in time review and remediation.
BUS 360 Elementary Keyboarding
1 unit(s)
BUS 360 introduces students to the computer keyboard. Students learn to use the touch method to key letters, numbers, and symbols.
Bettencourt, Brian
B.S., California State University, San Jose
M.B.A., National University
Bosma, Tara
B.S., Pepperdine University
M.S., San Diego State University
Giannandrea, Gabriel
B.S., Chapman University
M.B.A., University Of Phoenix
Gutierrez, Jessica
B.S., Fresno Pacific University
M.B.A., Grand Canyon University
Hinojosa, Andy
B.S., California State University, Fresno
M.B.A., California State University, Fresno
Hott, Lisa
B.A., California State University, Fresno
Certified Public Accountant, California
M.B.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills
Mazzola, Susan
B.S., California Polytechnic State University
M.S., California State University, Fresno
Picciuto, Kevin
B.S., California State University, Chico
M.B.A., California State University, Fresno
Skaff, Michael
B.A., California Polytechnic State University
M.B.A., California Polytechnic State University
Spencer, Janell
A.A., College Of The Sequoias
B.A., Fresno Pacific University
M.B.A., National University